Bridging the Gaps in STEM Preparation

Engineer's Playground Blog

Archive of blog posts

Tips for engineers (and computer folks): Clarify, Verify, Quantify

When I have time, I try to jot down tips for the young engineering and computer science professionals. These might be useful for teachers, though, who want some insight into teaching foundational skills to their younger students.

I just cleaned up this blog post which was inspired by my husband who was training in a young engineer. We discussed the fact that there is not much instruction on how to have new graduates walk that delicate line between being rigorous in the engineering process and being helpful to customers.
image by Abyla (Javier Gonzalez), via

One thing that good engineers should do is stay grounded in reality. Thus, the trilogy of Clarify, Verify, and Quantify are important when considering problems in their systems/products. Time is money in the work world, and an engineer should use a logical process when troubleshooting and solving problems. This process can also be helpful for computer folks.

In the educational world, this is one aspect of "Critical Thinking". Let me know if you have questions about it!

See: Clarify, Verify, Quantify on the the Engineer's Playground Wordpress site for engineers and computer scientists, Because Engineering Should Be Fun.
Yvonne Ngcollege, teacher tips