Engineer's Playground
Bridging the Gaps in STEM Preparation

Engineer's Playground Blog

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Rotation: One of the Spatial Skills for STEM Success

photo by RWLinder (Robert Linder),
Spatial abilities are one of the most accurate ways to predict STEM success. One aspect is the ability to manipulate objects in your head: sliding, rotating, and flipping. Here are some ways to develop these skills:

Swish Match colored dots on clear plastic cards. My engineering team loves to play this over lunch.

Spirograph An oldie but a goodie. Creating a design gives tangible view of what happens when you rotate shapes.

Potter's Wheel What happens when you press here, here, and here? Potter's have a great sense of rotation, not to mention hand control.

More ways to develop spatial skills on the Pinterest Board.

~ until next time, Yvonne